Marketing in a nutshell is
identifying the target market, informing people about the product and creating
desire in them to buy the product. It is very important for any marketer to
find whether the target market will spend more time watching television, reading
print media or using digital media. The intelligence of the marketer lies in
identifying this and providing the relevant content to grab the attention of
the consumer.
Gone are the days when
people used to meet personally to share information. Gone are the days when
people used e-mails to share photos. Gone are the days when buzz was created
through word of mouth. All this now happens
on social media. Social media has brought a widespread change in the lifestyle
of the people.
“1.15 billion+ users on Facebook”.
“500 million+ users on Twitter”.
“500 million+ users on Google+”.
“238 million+ users on Linkedin”.
“Social media has become #1 activity on web”.
The above statements give an
idea of how much time is being spent on social media. It proves that a marketer
cannot simply ignore it. More and more brands are using social media to create a
buzz about their brands and grab eyeballs.
Social media has assumed
such an importance that over 22% of Indian marketers are spending more than 50%
of marketing budget on social media with a majority spending more than 70%.
As social media is already
popular, it does not take much time for the companies to garner publicity on it.
But the crucial factor is how to attract more and more users and how to retain
the existing ones. The clutter on the social media is increasing day by day.
Hence to reap the expected results, the companies have to come up with novel
ways to catch attention of users. Here are a few of the current trends:
Visual Content:
Visual content is garnering
importance across all various social networking sites due to the attractiveness
and the interesting content being shared in visual form. More content is being
shared through image and video compared to text-data. Growing popularity of
Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram mirrors this. Other sites like Tumbler, Path
and Mobli are yet to gain momentum. The ‘sharability’ factor makes them more
Few brands which have
identified this trend have focused more on this. Brands are releasing their
ad-videos first on social networking sites to create buzz. launched
its new campaign ‘wake-up call’ without the brand name on social media which created
enough buzz. Later on the company revealed its brand name before extending the
campaign to other traditional marketing platforms. Few brands are also posting
confessions of their consumers or celebrity endorsers in the form of videos.
Example: Pantene video featuring Pareneeti Chopra.
Visual content creates
interest depending on how attractive it is. Hence the onus lies on the brands
to make the content more interesting to drive the point home.
Increasing popularity of
Social media was a synonym
to Facebook for many till few days back. But now other social networking sites
are also becoming popular. The one that is close to Facebook in terms of number
of users is twitter. Twitter, the micro blogging site is becoming more popular
by the day. The hash tags are becoming the scaling factors to determine the
trending topics. Though Facebook introduced hash tags, it is yet to become
The consumers can be engaged
through conversations on Twitter easily. Twitter is also widely used to take
customer feedback. Companies are coming up with innovative ideas to engage
Twitter users with their brands. Starbucks launched a campaign-‘Buy your friend
a coffee with a Tweet’. This campaign provided the users with the provision of
gifting coffee to a friend publicly.
‘Bingo’ used Twitter as a
platform to identify the retail outlets where the product is not available. It
offered goodies to the consumers who tweeted. This helped the company to expand
its distribution. It resulted in nearly 150% increase in the sales.
The micro blogging site is
still untapped to a great extent. The brands have to come up with more interesting
ideas to engage more users.
Engaging the users:
Just providing the users
with content about the brands is no more sufficient. Number of likes or shares
is no more a measure of popularity of the brand on the social media. How well are
the brands engaging users on their site, is more important. Campaigns which
engage the users are gaining popularity on these sites. They are coming up with
new campaigns according to the occasion. On the eve of Christmas and New Year,
Britannia Good Day came up with a campaign where the users can post customized
greeting cards on the walls of their friends.
Few brands are also offering
professional advice to the customers to engage them. Revlon India launched the
campaign ‘Choices by Revlon’. It chooses one topic for discussion every month
and offers professional advice through twitter. Starbucks has its own way of
engaging with customers. It follows back the users who follow it on Twitter.
Engaging the audience must
be done very carefully. The brand must respond positively even if it receives
negative feedback. Utmost care is to be
taken while engaging in conversations with the customers. Otherwise it will
tarnish the image of the brand.
Viral marketing:
Viral videos, memes,
pictures, tweets, status updates, blogs etc that gain huge popularity in a very
short span of time. It shows an immediate burst of interest. It is a result of
generation of mass curiosity. Brands are creating content that creates interest
in the users to make it viral.
It is not easy to evoke
interest in the public to make the content go viral. The content should either
evoke strong emotions or it should be humorous. It should generate curiosity
and also should be able to use multiple platforms.
Recent example of viral
campaigns is that of Volvo trucks. Van Damme`s split on two Volvo trucks vent
viral. The benefit of viral marketing is the message reaches wide number of
people in a very short time. It is also inexpensive compared to other forms of
At times these post may go
viral accidentally. But these posts will be forgotten once the interest dies.
The company does not have control over spread of the content. It may lead to
spamming resulting in ‘negative marketing’.
But the success formula lies
if the brand could handle the viral content appropriately.
These are a few current
marketing trends on social media sites. Social media is helping brands to build
their image and getting closer to their consumers. It is helping them to drive
their point easily and effectively. The brands which haven’t forayed into
social media are losing a large chunk of consumers. The future of marketing
definitely lies in social media.
This article is written by Shivani Kolala, PGP 2013-15. She can be contacted at